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JUST IN:Today, Tinubu Is In Office And He Is Appointing His Own Brothers – Middle Belt Forum President, Pogu

JUST IN:Today, Tinubu Is In Office And He Is Appointing His Own Brothers – Middle Belt Forum President, Pogu……CONTINUE READING>>>>>>

President of the Middle Belt Forum, Dr. Bitrus Pogu has reacted to the recent appointments being made by the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu.

Recall that many critics of the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu has accused him of nepotism in his recent appointments. The recent appointments by the number one citizen of the country has generated a lot of reactions from many Nigerians across the country.

The Sun reported that President of the Middle Belt Forum, Bitrus Pogu, in an exclusive interview said; “Tinubu is responding to what Buhari did when he was in office. Buhari appointed his kith and kin and the North did not care. Today, Tinubu is in office and he is appointing his own brothers.”

Bitrus Pogu added; “Every section of the country will believe that when it gets to their turn, they will play the same game. It is unfortunate; such development will keep dividing the country.”

The Northern leader stated further; “You cannot build a nation that way; you build a nation on equity, justice, and fair play. There are qualified people everywhere in Nigeria not only in Yorubaland.”……CONTINUE READING>>>>>>


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