Breaking News Politics

Tragic Dead:Woman Takes Her Own Life After Her Groom-to-be Died A Week To Their Wedding

Woman Takes Her Own Life After Her Groom-to-be Died A Week To Their Wedding.…..CONTINUE READING>>>>>>

The wedding was supposed to hold on Oct. 22, 2023, but the groom died a week prior and the wedding was cancelled

A woman has reportedly taken her own life in Northern Nigeria after her husband-to-be passed on a week to their wedding.

The wedding was supposed to hold on Oct. 22, 2023. Sadly, the groom died a week prior and the wedding was cancelled on Saturday, Oct. 14.

The bride then committed su*cide on the same day.

She was said to have gone to bed alongside her father but didn’t wake up.

She reportedly left a su*cide note.

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