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Top 7 Nigerian Dinner Ideas For Your Family

Good food is the best option for you and your family to live a healthy life. Choosing the right food to eat for dinner is not always easy. But the good news is we have made a list for you to never run out of ideas!


Check out these healthy Nigerian dinner ideas for you and your family:

  1. Rice and Stew

Rice and stew is a very popular food in Nigeria because of their taste and easy preparation. It is a combination of rice (usually white) and meat of your choice.

It is also a good option for dinner because it has lots of fiber and protein (from both chicken/beef/fish). It goes especially well with plantains which have lots of vitamins A & C!

2. Beans and Plantain

Beans and plantains are a great combination. Beans is a great source of protein and complex carbohydrates, while plantains contain potassium and fiber. Together, these two foods will leave you satisfied with a balanced diet that will fuel your body and brain for carrying out your activities.

They also help you relax well during the night against the next day’s activities. So, a combination of beans and plantain is one of the dinner options in Nigeria.

3. Spaghetti

Spaghetti can be eaten alone or with some sauce (like tomato sauce), or it can be topped with meatballs or other ingredients depending on your tastes.

4. Fried Rice and Chicken

Fried rice is a healthy and popular Nigerian dish that can be found in many restaurants across the country. It consists of rice, tomatoes, onions, peppers, and other ingredients to taste.

Fried rice is often served with chicken or beef but it can also be eaten without meat as an alternative to omelets that are commonly eaten for breakfast in Nigeria.

Read also: 10 Healthy Nigerian Lunch Ideas For Families

5. Semo/Wheat With Any Soup of Your Choice

For the ‘swallow’ lovers, you can consider semo/wheat with any soup. They are quite delicious and people love them because they are made from locally-grown foods. Also, the price of these foods is not too expensive when compared to other foods.

6. Jollof Rice and Chicken

This is another delicious food you can consider as dinner for your family. Jollof rice can be cooked in a tomato and pepper sauce. When served with Chicken or even beef, it gives you a palatable meal.

7. Yam and Egg Sauce

This is one of those foods that nourish you well and helps your body to relax properly. It’s also very easy to make compared to other foods out there.

Read also: 10 Healthy Nigerian Breakfast Ideas For Families

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