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The biggest winnings in the history of Monte Carlo casinos

The biggest winnings in the history of Monte Carlo casinos

For more than a century, the best gambling halls boasted the Monte Carlo casinos. Every player dreams of a big score. But not everyone succeeds. We offer the stories of three large Monte Carlo winnings. All three are united by personal strategy and, of course, luck.

Joseph Jaggers

This case occurred at the end of the nineteenth century when everywhere was already full of gambling houses. It is said that to get the long-awaited cash reward in the casino must be only luck. And Joseph managed to show the world by example that the presence of brains will also not be superfluous. However, the main helper for the man was the shortcomings of the equipment, which in those days was a common phenomenon.

Jaggers worked as an average engineer and observation was his main trump card in life. When he studied the principle of roulette, he assumed that in different casinos the ball bounces differently. It is understandable, because of the different designs of the wheel itself. He meticulously began to learn the mechanisms of roulette and the trajectory of the ball. In this process, he involved six of his friends, whose task was to secretly record in a notebook, the order of falling numbers.

After analyzing all the collected information, the former builder Joseph noticed a pattern. He made a list of the most frequently falling numbers within a certain wheel. As a result of his discovery – he won 325 thousand dollars in one of the prestigious casinos of Monte Carlo. The management of the club figured out this trickery, but they were able to win back the money only partially. By the way, today top online casinos also allow their customers to win regularly by strategy. It is not prohibited by the rules.

To date, such a calculation would be difficult, and in the vastness of virtual gaming studios is not possible at all, because the principle of roulette lies in the random number generator.

It should be said that thanks to Jaggers, several strategies were based on the sequential fallout of numbers. For example, there is such a technique in which the same symbol falls out hourly. Such a technique owes its spread exclusively to the diligent Joseph.

Charles Wales

Talking about the biggest winnings in history, it is impossible not to mention Charles, who is better known as a fraudster. However, it is important to recall that there is no evidence that the scam was committed.

Fraudulently, he gets a large sum of money and that hour goes to play in Monte Carlo. He, just like the previous hero, chose roulette. He called it the smartest investment and his assumptions were fully justified. Among the players, he became a symbol that Luck loves desperate daredevils, and his game caught the eye with its confidence.

At roulette Wells sat for twenty hours and throughout this time he relentlessly broke the bank. The total amount of profit that day amounted to one million francs. After a while, Charles returned to win a million dollars. Particular attention of the public has caused him in five bets, he duplicates the number “five”.

To this day, no experienced gamer or expert can not determine what such a strange scheme Wells used or what rituals were conducted to attract Fortune. So most people think it’s nothing but plain luck, nothing more. And Charlie went down in history as “the man who broke the bank.”

Gonzalo Garcia-Pelayo

And this success is inextricably combined with the talent of the player. By profession, Gonzalo was a mathematician and producer. Without fully revealing himself in either sphere, he began to study the principle of roulette and the basic strategies of the game. Since he was not inclined to believe in absolute randomness, he began to study the mathematics of the game. According to his theory, the wheel and there is no imperfect shape, which greatly increases the chances of winning.

Garcia has long observed the frequency of falling numbers, conducting later computer analysis. Initially, he wanted to test his findings at Casino de Madrid, where he won his first six hundred euros overnight. This victory encouraged him and in this place, he was able to win almost a million euros more. The casino administration immediately sued the player, but the fraudulent actions were never proven. All rights remained on the side of the clever admirer of gambling.

All these lucky players once took a risk and played for real money, proving that it is possible to win. You just need to try.

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