Breaking News

Nigerian Soldiers save House wife from suicide in Lagos Lagoon

Nigerian Soldiers save House Wife from suicide in Lagos Lagoon……CONTINUE READING>>>>>>

In a remarkable display of bravery and quick thinking, soldiers from the Nigerian Army’s 81 Division successfully averted a tragedy as they rescued Mrs. Francesca Spark from a suicide attempt in the Lagos Lagoon. The incident took place near the 81 Division Officers’ Mess in Marina Lagos.

According to Vanguard, a statement from Lt. Col. Olabisi Ayeni, the Acting Deputy Director of Army Public Relations, revealed that the soldiers from the 65 Battalion NA deployed at the Officers’ Mess spotted Mrs. Spark and promptly used their military riverine skills to rescue her.

With their ingenuity and swift action, they were able to prevent her from taking her own life.

After the rescue, she received immediate first aid and was stabilized by the battalion’s medical team. The soldiers then contacted her family, and she was handed over to her husband, Mr. Spark Oghene Ovie, who resides in Awoyaya, Lagos.

Major General Muhammed Takuti Usman, the General Officer Commanding (GOC) of the 81 Division NA, expressed his appreciation for the soldiers’ vigilance and resourcefulness, praising their courage and gallantry.

He emphasized the importance of soldiers utilizing their training in disaster management during critical situations that could potentially endanger the lives of fellow citizens.

He highlighted that military operations during emergencies or natural disasters are a vital aspect of the troops’ training. He affirmed the division’s commitment to safeguarding the residents of Lagos and their properties, even in times of crisis.……CONTINUE READING>>>>>>


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