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Nigeria is in trouble with leaders whose credentials and identities can’t be verified – Peter Obi

Nigeria is in trouble with leaders whose credentials and identities can’t be verified – Peter Obi.…..CONTINUE READING>>>>>>

The 2023 presidential candidate of the Labour Party (LP), Peter Obi has lamented the situation in Nigeria, saying a lot of things are wrong and need to change in the country.

Lamenting that the country is in trouble, Obi said the trouble is however self-inflicted.

Speaking at the Chinua Achebe Symposium at Princeton University on Friday, Obi said Nigerians must start working towards a country propelled by competence and committed to fighting corruption.

He submitted that the leadership must be committed to the rule of law and in what appears to be a dig at the controversies surrounding the academic qualifications of President Bola Tinubu, Obi added that the leaders of Nigeria must have verifiable identities and certificates.

In a series of posts via his account on X (formerly Twitter), the former Anambra State Governor noted that rascality must no longer be a measure of success in Nigeria.

Obi said: “I’ve just commenced the delivery of my keynote address at the Chinua Achebe Symposium at Princeton University- the trouble with Nigeria is self-inflicted. If Achebe was alive, he would have taken back the book. When he wrote it, there was no trouble.

“Now, there is real trouble in Nigeria.

“We can start thinking of a new Nigeria with competence, and capacity that is committed to fighting corruption. Is it possible to fight corruption? The answer is yes!

“Rascality has become a measure of success in Nigeria. That must change.”

“We must have leadership that is committed to the rule of law.. that has an identity and credentials that can be verified.

WASHINGTON ― The death of Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) means a number of changes in the Senate, one of which is filling her vacant seat on the Judiciary Committee.

Once California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) appoints Feinstein’s successor, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) will need to amend the chamber’s organizing resolution to add the new senator to the committees that Feinstein served on. These resolutions are typically passed on the Senate floor with unanimous votes and little fanfare.

But Republicans, who have already shown they’re prepared to fight over Feinstein’s seat on the Judiciary Committee, could use this moment to play hardball when it comes to President Joe Biden advancing his judicial nominees.

They could object to Schumer’s resolution.

It would only take one GOP senator to say no to it, which would then require the Senate to pass it by at least 60 votes. That means it would take at least 10 Republicans voting with Democrats (including the three……..CONTINUE READING>>>>>>

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