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Kogi governorship election: I Didn’t Come Alone This Time, I Came Along With Another House of Rep Member—Abejide

Kogi governorship election: I Didn’t Come Alone This Time, I Came Along With Another House of Rep Member—Abejide……CONTINUE READING>>>>>>

The candidate of the African Democratic Congress (ADC) in the Kogi State governorship election, Leke Abejide, has emphasised the significance of his political journey and how he tends to win the upcoming election. He revealed that he didn’t come alone this time but had come with another House of Representatives member to serve as his deputy.


Speaking in an interview with Channels Television, Abejide stated that in the 2019 election, he ran for the House of Representatives under the ADC and won. He revealed that he not only secured a significant victory but that his influence extended to other areas. He stated that the combined votes of the two major parties (APC and PDP) in his constituency didn’t even add up to half of his total votes in his last election.

According to him, “Well, if it’s on media (I wouldn’t be a member) only but not on ground, I wouldn’t be a member of the House of Representatives. I contested for the first time under the platform of the African Democratic Congress (ADC) in 2019, and I won. And the party was not known in the state. I contested the second time, and even this time, the margin of leads—if you put APC votes and PDP votes—is not up to half of my vote. I didn’t come alone this time; I also came along with another House of Representatives member from the same Kogi West that I come from. So out of the same federal constituency, my effect, my impact, go to the next constituency next to me, and that was why Omode was able to win. And out of the three federal constituencies, we’re controlling two now.”……CONTINUE READING>>>>>>

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