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JUST IN:Atiku Is almost 80 years now, and He’s By No Measure of Imagination Shettima’s Mate—Datti Baba-Ahmed (VIDEO)

JUST IN:Atiku Is almost 80 years now, and He’s By No Measure of Imagination Shettima’s Mate—Datti Baba-Ahmed.…..CONTINUE READING>>>>>>

The 2023 Vice Presidential Candidate of the Labour Party, Yusuf Datti Baba-Ahmed, has expressed dissatisfaction with the way and manner in which the vice president has been holding his position. He stated that one of the reasons for his dissatisfaction is the way Shettima has treated Atiku Abubakar, who is nearing the age of 80. Baba-Ahmed considers Atiku Abubakar as someone senior in stature and experience, far from being on equal footing with Shettima.


Speaking in an interview with Arise TV, Datti goes on to cite a specific incident where Shettima made a statement about Kanuri people cracking jokes with Fulani people and suggesting that he would “retire” Atiku Abubakar to Dubai or Morocco. Baba-Ahmed characterises this statement as “irresponsible” in his view.

According to him, “Be he the vice president or whatever that he’s, I’m telling you that he has conducted himself in so many ways in these six months that demean the office of vice president, and I’m not happy about it, especially the way he’s been treating our elder, Atiku Abubakar. For Godsake, Atiku Abubakar is getting to 80; he’s by no measure of imagination Shettima’s mate. How can Shettima come out and say that Kanuri’s crack jokes with Fulani’s, therefore he’s going to retire him to Dubai or Morocco? And these are very personal issues. What kind of an irresponsible statement is that to me?”

Watch video below…..CONTINUE READING>>>>>>


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