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JUST IN:”A king (Obi) will sit on the leg of the right elephant (Atiku)- Prophet Okwuwe drops fresh prediction (VIDEO)

JUST IN:”A king (Obi) will sit on the leg of the right elephant (Atiku)- Prophet Okwuwe drops fresh prediction (VIDEO)..….CONTINUE READING>>>>>>

Pastor Kingsley Okwukwe of the Revival and Restoration Global Mission has said the legs of “the right elephant” (referring to Alhaji Atiku Abubakar) will fold and “Peter Obi will sit on it”.

Pastor Okwukwe, who is an open supporter of Peter Obi, the presidential candidate of the Labour Party (LP) in the 2023 election, shared the “prophecy” via Rap TV recently.

The cleric said it is just the beginning of the journey into a new Nigeria. “A new Nigeria”, as used by Pastor Okwukwe is Obi’s mantra.

Speaking in parables, Pastor Okwukwe said: “I already told you that the giant elephant on the left is BAT (Tinubu) while the one on the right is Atiku (the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP presidential candidate).

“The way of the world is not the way of God. God has His way of doing things. Man can decide to shambolise (sic) things feeling that there is no God, but there is God. God is slow to anger, God is a God of long suffering. The fact that God is a God of long suffering does not mean that we should do the way we like.

“You are going to see the hand of God in this nation. It is His plan. Miracle will happen; I believe in the God of miracle”

He added: “A king (Obi) will sit on the leg of the right elephant (Atiku). But before the king will sit on the right elephant, the right elephant’s leg is going to fold. And a king will sit on it and it will fold permanently.”

Watch the video below:….CONTINUE READING>>>>>>

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