Breaking News

Gunmen Abducted Two in Gombe State community

Gunmen Abducted Two in Gombe State community.…..CONTINUE READING>>>>>>

Gunmen Abducted two people when they stormed Shabewa village in Dukku Local Government Area of Gombe State.

The kidnappers attacked the residence of one Umar Sambo who escaped into the bush. They then took away his wife, Amina, and brother, Mustafa.

No contact has been established with the abductors at the time of filing this report.

The Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO) in Gombe, ASP Mahid Muazu Abubakar, confirmed the incident.

He, however, said police patrol teams in collaboration with vigilantes and hunters had been dispatched to trail the kidnappers.…..CONTINUE READING>>>>>>

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