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BREAKING:We heard Northern officers were angry that victims of the Jan 1966 coup were Northerners-Fajuyi son

BREAKING:We heard Northern officers were angry that victims of the Jan 1966 coup were Northerners-Fajuyi son.…..CONTINUE READING>>>>>>

Donald Fajuyi, who happens to be the eldest child of the late military governor of Western Region, Col. Adekunle Fajuyi, in an interview with The Punch, narrates the reason his father was killed along with Major General Aguyi Ironsi during the 1966 coup

When he was narrating, he said that his late dad never believed that the military should stay long in power, and his firm belief was that, once the military corrected whatever they wanted to correct, try whoever had to be tried, they would restore democracy back to the people.

He said, “What we gathered later was that some core Northern officers were discontent that most of the victims of the January 1966 coup were Northerners, whether it was a deliberate act or whether it was by accident, I do not know. But that was their belief.”

He said that the second coup in July 1966, appeared to be a retaliatory coup that was led by Southern officers. They targeted and removed high-ranking officials and officers from the Northern region, including prominent figures like Sardauna of Sokoto, Alhaji Tafawa Balewa and others. The motive behind the coup that took Ironsi’s life, seemed to include reluctance to accept Aguiyi Ironsi as the Head of State.…..CONTINUE READING>>>>>>


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