Breaking News Politics

BREAKING: Federal Government And Labour suspends planned strike for 30 days

Federal Government And Labour suspends planned strike for 30 days.…..CONTINUE READING>>>>>>

NLC President, Joe Ajaero

The Organised Labour, on Monday night, agreed to suspend its indefinite strike planned to start on Tuesday.

The resolution followed over five hours of deliberations between the Federal Government and Labour at the Chief of Staff Conference Room of the Presidential Villa, Abuja.

Announcing the outcome of the meeting to State House correspondents, the Minister of Labour and Employment, Simon Lalong, said: “The NLC and TUC accept to suspend for 30 days the planned indefinite nationwide strike scheduled to begin, Tuesday, the 3rd of October, 2023.”


Lalong said the Memorandum shall be filed with the relevant court of competent jurisdiction within one week as consent judgment by the FG.

However, the NLC President, Joe Ajaero, said the unions would revisit the agreement if the FG fails to fulfill its demands.…..CONTINUE READING>>>>>>

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