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“All you do is sleep and your fans vote for you” Mercy Eke takes a playful jab at Ilebaye

The Big Brother Naija AllStars house is no stranger to drama and entertainment, and the latest episode brought a dose of both. Former Big Brother Naija winner, Mercy Eke took a playful jab at her fellow housemate, Ilebaye, for her sleeping habits.

Mercy Eke, didn’t hold back when it came to teasing Ilebaye during a recent interaction in the house. The reality TV star, couldn’t resist poking fun at Ilebaye’s sleeping routine.

“All you do is sleep, and your fans still vote for you,”

She also acknowledged that Ilebaye had garnered a strong fan base.

Mercy Eke is sneaky and a pretender” Doyin lets it all out in the diary room 

Kemi Filani reported back in August that in an extensive chat with Big Brother in the diary room, the then-current Head of House, Doyin, had some thoughts to share.

She had discussed various housemates and when questioned about Mercy Eke, she had expressed her belief that Mercy was a sneaky pretender. Doyin explained her perspective, stating that despite Mercy’s sweet and positive outward demeanor, a closer look would reveal her two-faced nature.

We’ve all been fooled,” Doyin, others react strongly to Ilebaye’s emotional tirade following her fight with White Money

Recall that some weeks back, The housemates wasted no time in sharing their thoughts on Ilebaye’s outburst during her fight with White Money.

During a conversation with Cross and Neo, Doyin had expressed her belief that Ilebaye had been strategically playing the game all along. She had also pointed out that Ilebaye’s behavior was different from her past appearances, notably from her time on Level Up season. Doyin had also admitted to feeling foolish for not realizing Ilebaye’s game earlier.

She also mentioned that White Money had been the first to raise this concern to her, although she initially dismissed it

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