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When the armed bandits invaded our house, My Husband is their Main Target, they met me in my room, they rustled my cattle and items I bought for my daughter — According to Victim

In a video posted by Channels Television, a resident of Zanfara State who happens to be a victim of bandit attacks recounts her ordeal in the incident.……CONTINUE READING>>>>>>

The victim, whose name was undisclosed, narrated how bandits invaded her residence, rustled her cattle, and also asked for the whereabouts of her husband.

Residents of the state have appealed to the government to tighten security in the state in order to improve peace and stability in the community

In the video, the victim said, “When the armed bandits invaded our house and they met me in my room, they rustled my cattle and items I bought for my daughter, and they started looking for my husband.”.……CONTINUE READING>>>>>>


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