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We are Ready for War ,Stop infrastructure, declare a state of emergency on security and hunger – Anambra , Peter Obi Donate Six Months’ Salaries, Ask Tinubu, Soludo To Stop All Projects

AWKA – Eight members of the Anambra state House of Assembly under the platform of the Labor Party have resolved to donate their six-month salary to fight the hunger and health challenges of members of their Constituencies..…..CONTINUE READING>>>>>>

Rising from a caucus meeting on Thursday, in Awka, the lawmakers asked President Ahmed Bola Tinubu and Governor Chukwuma Soludo to show empathy by suspending all development projects and channel all funds mapped put for those to rescued the people from hunger and starvation.

In a communique signed by the eight lawmakers led by the Caucus leader Hon Jude Ifeanyi Umennajiego representing Onitsha South II state Constituency the lawmakers stated:

“We, the Labour Party House of Assembly members wish to lend our voice to the cry of our dear Leader, His Excellency, Mr. Peter Obi on the state of the Nation after our emergency caucus meeting sitting. We, therefore advise the Federal and State governments as follows:”

“That His Excellency, Mr Bola Ahmed Tinubu should suspend work on all other sectors including infrastructure for the next six months and declare a state of emergency on security and hunger in the nation.”

“All State governors including our dear governor Prof. Charles Chukwuma Soludo to suspend all infrastructural development in their various States for the next six months and declare a state of emergency on security and hunger”

“We, the Labour Party House of Assembly members will relinquish our basic salary for six months to be our contribution to alleviate the suffering of the masses.”

“In conclusion, we all know that the campaign is over and the election is over. Majority of Nigerians are suffering. People are dying every day as a result of hunger and insecurity.”

“Thus, there is a need for the Federal government and State Governments to adhere to the advice given by our leader Mr. Peter Obi. We must commend our leader His Excellency Mr. Peter Gregory Obi for this selfless effort to ensure the stability and growth of our Nation. It really shows that he is committed to making this nation a better place for all of us.”

“To the masses, hope is a virtue; we must sustain hope. That is the currency for a better tomorrow.”; they said.

Other LP caucus members of the House included: Hon. Nkechi Ogbuefi, Comrade Nigeria Henry Mbachu, Hon. Fred Ezenwa, Hon. Kingsley Udemezue, Hon. Justice Azuka, Hon. Paul Obu and Hon. Patrick Okafor#…..CONTINUE READING>>>>>>

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