Breaking News BUSINESS

We are not Selling it Less than N11,000 , Dangote or BUA Can’t Change this – Cement Retailers Ignores N7,000 Agreement, sells 50Kg for N11,000 in Lagos State

Despite the agreed N7,000 price for cement, retailers in Lagos’s Idimu area persistently sell the product at inflated rates between N10,000 and N11,000. Alhaja, a retailer, discredits the N7,000 price, alleging that Dangote’s payment portal blockade during negotiations with the Federal Government led to subsequent price hikes upon reopening..…..CONTINUE READING>>>>>>

Another retailer, speaking anonymously, confirms the unrealistic N7,000 price and expresses concerns about the ongoing price hikes affecting business. The retailer also highlights challenges in cement availability due to uncertainties in restocking.

In a recent meeting with cement manufacturers, the Minister of Housing and Urban Development, Ahmed Dangiwa, emphasized the adverse impact of rising cement prices on housing initiatives. He revealed the government’s concern about the surging cost of essential building materials, particularly cement, and how it jeopardizes plans for social and affordable housing.

Dangiwa criticized the continuous rise in cement prices, stressing its detrimental effects on housing delivery. He urged cement manufacturers to act responsibly and curb the uncontrolled escalation of prices, emphasizing the negative repercussions on affordable housing for Nigerians.…..CONTINUE READING>>>>>>

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