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Veiw 3 Main Reasons Why Nowadays, Some Nigerian Men Want You To Get Pregnant Before They Can Marry You

Here are four simple reasons why some Nigerian men may want their partners to become pregnant before marriage:

1. Financial Readiness.

Economic stability is crucial for marriage. Some men might prefer waiting until they believe they can provide for their family before marrying. Pregnancy can signal readiness for the financial responsibilities of parenthood.……CONTINUE READING>>>>>>

2. Compatibility Test.

Pregnancy can be seen as a way to test if the couple can handle the challenges of raising a child together. It’s a way to ensure that both partners are on the same page about parenting before making a formal commitment.

3. Health Assurance.

Some men might want their partners to get pregnant to ensure there are no health issues affecting the uterus or fertility, offering peace of mind about the ability to have children in the future……CONTINUE READING>>>>>>

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