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Tragically died: “free Palestine.” – Everthing You Need to Know about Popular U.S pilot who set self ablaze in Israel – Aaron Bushnell

Aaron Bushnell, a 25-year-old US airman, tragically died after setting himself on fire outside the Israeli embassy in Washington DC, shouting “free Palestine.”..….CONTINUE READING>>>>>>

Despite Secret Service officers’ efforts to extinguish the flames, Bushnell succumbed to his injuries. Before the self-immolation, he declared it as an “extreme act of protest” against what he called “genocide” and emailed reporters and left-wing news sites about his intentions.

In a live video on Twitch, dressed in military uniform, he identified himself as an Air Force member. The Pentagon labeled the incident a “tragic event,” and Bushnell was taken to the hospital in critical condition.

Authorities investigated a suspicious vehicle at the scene but found no hazardous materials. Bushnell, from San Antonio, Texas, had aspirations to transition from the Air Force to software engineering, as stated on his LinkedIn profile. This act comes amidst escalating tensions in the Israel-Gaza conflict, with casualties and displaced civilians on both sides.

1. He was 25 years old and a serving member of the Air Force, holding the rank of senior airman.

2. Before setting himself alight, he sent emails to reporters and left-wing news websites, stating his intentions of protesting against the genocide of the Palestinian people.

3. He was taken to hospital in critical condition after Secret Service officers extinguished the flames.

4. A bomb disposal unit was sent to the site to investigate a suspicious vehicle, which was later declared safe.

5. Mr Bushnell was raised in Massachusetts and attended public schools on the Cape Cod peninsula.

6. He had graduated from Air Force basic training in November 2020 and had expressed a desire to transition into software engineering.

7. The incident occurred during the Israel-Gaza war, with both sides facing casualties and displacement of civilians.

8. This act of self-immolation was not the first of its kind in front of an Israeli diplomatic mission in the US during the conflict.

9. The Pentagon spokesman called it a “tragic event”, and authorities are investigating the incident alongside the Secret Service and other agencies.

10. Despite the intense international criticism, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu defended the offensive, stating that America would have reacted similarly if faced with a similar attack.….CONTINUE READING>>>>>>

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