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Spiritual Meaning of ‘Emilokan’ is Very Deep, Nigeria will never stop Suffering, if the Spirit Must Be Appeased Before President Tinubu Can Get It Right – Primate Ayodele

In a report by the Tribune, Primate Ayodele, the founder of INRI Evangelical Spiritual Church, said that the spirit of ‘Emilokan’ must be appeased before President Tinubu can get it right. The term ‘Emilokan’ means ‘It Is My Turn’ and was used by President Tinubu during his campaign..…..CONTINUE READING>>>>>>


Primate Ayodele said in the statement signed by his media aide, “Nigeria is suffering from Emilokan syndrome, and it must be taken care of spiritually; otherwise, the implication of Emilokan will explode in the country. The Spirit of ‘Emilokan’ must be appeased before Tinubu can get it right. You may not take my words seriously, but later you will understand them. ‘Emilokan’ isn’t physical; it’s mysterious and highly spiritual.

They need to really look into it. Let us put dollars aside and get an immediate solution; otherwise, people will go spiritual. As Nigerians, let’s pray for President Tinubu’s health so he can have the strength to do the right thing. I’m not an advocate of the Muslim-Muslim ticket or Emilokan; I warned Nigerians, but they didn’t listen.’’.…..CONTINUE READING>>>>>>


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