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Shocking Unbelievable:Meet The First Ever Tribe in Africa Where Women Can Stay For Weeks Without Taking Their Bath [PHOTO]

We are all aware that water is essential to human survival and that most individuals cannot survive without it. As a result, most people cannot go a day without using water, let alone weeks, without being dehydrated. Although this may be true, there is a Tribe in Africa that can survive for days or even weeks without consuming any water…….CONTINUE READING>>>>>>

Namibia is home to a tribe known as the Himba, who live in a desert environment where there is no water and rely solely on rainwater for existence. As a result, they may go for weeks without drinking or bathing, and they are known to be extremely hardy and resilient.


Despite the fact that the Himba women can go for weeks without washing, they have consistently been ranked among the most beautiful women in Africa, leading many to question why this is the case.

That the Himba people are still physically attractive is due to the fact that they know how to create a portion of ointment that they apply to their bodies on a regular basis. When the Himba women were questioned, they disclosed that the ointment is extremely essential to them and that they can go without water for an extended period of time as long as they have the ointment with them.

Take a look at some adorable pictures of some Himba ladies.

Himba women are likewise extremely hardworking and diligent, and they are a credit to their tribe. The majority of visitors who have visited the Himba people have stated that their way of life is considerably different from theirs, but that they are really content…….CONTINUE READING>>>>>>

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