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SHOCKING REVELATION:the Dead Back Alive “Ni Kweli Nilikufa” Woman Who Allegedly Died In 2003 Found Alive In 2024 With This To Say

In a remarkable turn of events, a Tanzanian woman named Amina Rashidi who was presumed dead for over two decades has been found alive and well in Bangwe ward of the Kigoma region..….CONTINUE READING>>>>>>

The story of Amina’s alleged demise began in 2003 when a boat she was traveling in capsized. Her family held a burial ceremony and moved on with their lives, mourning the loss of their beloved mother and sister.

However, in 2022, news emerged that Amina was still alive. A person recognized her during her daily activities in the Mwanza region. It took the family almost two years to confirm her identity and be certain that she was indeed their long-lost loved one.

Upon her return, the family celebrated Amina’s miraculous reappearance with a special event, expressing their gratitude for her safe return. However, Amina’s memories of the incident are unclear. She claims that instead of dying, she traveled to an unknown place.

In her own words, she said, “Tulisafiri kwa njia ya basi tukiwa watatu, wanawake wawili na mwanamume mmoja,” which translates to, “We traveled by bus, three of us, two women and a man.”

She continued, “After we arrived at that place, I got married to another man and got pregnant, but my child was taken away from me.” Amina had three children before her supposed death and gave birth to two more during her time in Mwanza. Her eldest son, Abubakar, expressed his joy at seeing his mother alive after all these years.

However, some neighbors have expressed skepticism about the events, suggesting that superstitious beliefs may have played a role in Amina’s disappearance for so long.

Regardless of the circumstances surrounding her absence, the family’s faith and belief in a higher power have been strengthened by Amina’s incredible return. What is your view on this?….CONTINUE READING>>>>>>

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