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Mixed Reaction As Medical doctor shares heartbreaking story of man stomped to death while hustling for N10k rice

Medical doctor reveals that a man got trampled to death during a pandemonium while trying to queue for rice selling at N10k.

The incident was reported by the doctor on her account on the X app, @yemoka..…..CONTINUE READING>>>>>>

According to her, the man was brought to her hospital by the wife late because nobody was available to bring them.
Medical doctor shares heartbreaking story of man stamped to death while hustling for N10k rice
The medical doctor who reported the sad incidence.

It happened while they were on queue and he fell down and before he could get up, many others stomped on him during their struggle.

She also added that in the midst of the whole brouhaha, another pregnant woman was also pushed into the gutter.

The doctor’s tweet below;

“A man just died in my hospital, he was stomped on after falling at the custom office trying to get rice. He was on the queue with his wife when he fell down and couldn’t get up on time which resulted to people stamping on him. So sad. Survived by very young children. Naija 😢😢”

See the post here:…..CONTINUE READING>>>>>>

Medical doctor shares heartbreaking story of man stamped to death while hustling for N10k rice

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