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kidnappers: We Were throw Inside a Very Dark Room for Weeks — Justice Iheme recounts her ordeal with kidnappers

Justice Chioma Nwosu-Iheme, a former justice of the Appeal Court who was recently promoted to the Supreme Court, has recounted her ordeal with kidnappers….…CONTINUE READING>>>>>>

In a video posted by POSTREPORTERS TV, Iheme narrated how she met a young man during her inauguration ceremony, who happens to be a fellow victim of the kidnappers.

This made her recall the incident, which includes how she was abducted alongside this young man on the same day and how they were both kept in the same room by the abductors.

According to the video, “We were kidnapped the same day, and we were kept in the same room for the fourteen days we spent in the apartment.”.…CONTINUE READING>>>>>>


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