I will Rather Die Than To Marry A Poor Man- Sonia Ogiri Claims

Nollywood actress, Sonia Ogiri has taken to social media to disclose that she can settle down with her male counterpart that is financially unstable, but she cannot do the same thing with a man that does not know how to express his love for her. She made such disclosure on Instagram……CONTINUE READING>>>>>>

The beautiful actress who spoke about such issue through her official Instagram story, asked her fans and followers what are the things that they cannot take from a man.

According to Sonia Ogiri, she can marry a poor man in general because money is not her attraction, but she cannot marry a man that does not know what he wants and does not show his affection.

Sonia Ogiri wrote;

“What’s your can’t take from a man?

“Me, I can marry a poor man in general (money isn’t my attraction). My can’t in a man will be a man that doesn’t know what he wants, a man that doesn’t show his affection (show me if you love me) period;

Here is Sonia Ogiri’s post below;

Recall that Sonia Ogiri had few hours ago stated through her official Instagram page that it is never in her nature to run after people that walked out of her life because she makes such people to feel too special, but once they decide to leave there space gets filled up immediately.……CONTINUE READING>>>>>>

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