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I want them Alive or Dead, they Must pay with Their Lifes – Terrorists abduct Twelve, raze hospital, police outpost, vehicles in Katsina community – Police Command

Terrorists have abducted 12 residents and burnt down a health care facility in an attack on Monday on Wurma, a community in Kurfi Local Government Area of Katsina State..…..CONTINUE READING>>>>>>

A police outpost, several houses and vehicles were also burnt down by the terrorists, residents said.

Motorcycle-riding terrorists in the North-west have now included burning down of houses, shops and vehicles in their operations, aside from abduction and killing of residents.

“Last Thursday, they attacked Lambo a community not far from us, and burnt down several houses and vehicles. Now it is our turn to suffer in their hands,” a community leader who sought anonymity told POSTREPORTERS over the phone.

The terrorists stormed the community a few minutes after 7 p.m. and began shooting indiscriminately, forcing people to scamper for safety.

They then drove to the police outpost and set it on fire before moving to the newly built primary healthcare centre to burn it down.

“The few policemen around tried their best but they couldn’t match the terrorists’ weapons,” the community leader said.

He said the residents have compiled the names of 12 residents, mostly “women and children”, who were abducted by the terrorists.

No death was recorded during the attack.

In the last few days, communities in Katsina State have been at the receiving end of terrorists’ activities leading to the deaths and abduction of several residents.…..CONTINUE READING>>>>>>


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