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I have Reasons why Remi Tinubu Should be Killed – Cleric Who Called For Killing Of Remi Tinubu Apologises

Idris Tenshi, an Islamic cleric, has apologised over his call for the killing of Oluremi Tinubu, wife of the president.

POSTREPORTERS reports that the cleric, in a sermon, described the wife of the president as an “infidel” who should be killed….…CONTINUE READING>>>>>>

The cleric, while speaking in the Hausa language, said, “Tinubu’s wife is an unbeliever and even among the unbelievers, she is a leader.

“She is among those that Allah has instructed us to kill because she is among the leaders of the unbelievers.”

The cleric came under fire over the comments, as POSTREPORTERS reports Muslim Media SEE Group of Nigeria condemned him, describing him as one of the bad elements in Nigerian Society and not a true Scholar of Islam.

Similarly, the Youth Wing of the Christian Association of Nigeria (YOWICAN) on Friday, demanded the arrest and prosecution of the cleric.

The group said there is an urgent need for the government and security agencies to take action against the cleric.

Tenshi, has, however, apologised to the wife of the president over his comments.…CONTINUE READING>>>>>>

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