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Going Church Is Right But Being Folllower Of Jesus is Wrong-Reno Omokri

Reno Omokri recently sparked debate on Facebook with a statement regarding the involvement of women in church leadership…….CONTINUE READING>>>>>>

According to him , “You can allow women to head, lead, minister, and teach in your church denomination. But when you do that, please do not say you are following Yeshua (Jesus) or the faith He taught and practiced. Do not also say that you believe in Scripture or the Bible. Whatever you are doing is your own religion. Because both Scripture and the Bible are crystal clear.”

Omokri’s comments sparked debates on social media, where people shared differing opinions on how religious texts are understood and the involvement of women in religious leadership roles. The statement raises questions about the inclusiveness of women in significant roles within churches, shedding light on different interpretations of religious doctrines. Critics contend that this position may strengthen conventional gender roles and sustain gender bias in religious organizations. On the other hand, some of Omokri’s supporters emphasize the significance of adhering to what they consider the unambiguous teachings of Scripture.…….CONTINUE READING>>>>>>

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