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Former President Obasanjo: He is Fortify Physical & Spiritually He is one of our great sons of Africa prostrated before the throne – Gani Adams

According to the report from the Tribune, the Aare Onakankanfo of Yoruba land, Gani Adams emphasizes the importance of the Olu stool, the traditional seat of authority in the Itsekiri community, and recounts how former President Olusegun Obasanjo, himself a Yoruba man, had shown respect to the throne by prostrating before it. He suggests that the spirits of the Itsekiri ancestors will support and protect the community and that showing respect to the Olu stool will bring prosperity…….CONTINUE READING>>>>>>

He said, “The Olu stool is important. Obasanjo, one of our great sons of Africa, prostrated before the throne. For Obasanjo, a former president and pan-Africanist to have done that he is a proud person. So to prostrate to the throne means something. You have invoked your ancestors to this place through your cultural display. I know all the spirits of Itsekiri will stand by you. Traditionally, I have the right to defend Oodua descendants anywhere they are in the world.

When you respect your king, everything will work for you. Your ancestors will fight for Itsekiri. There will be no war in Itsekiriland.”….CONTINUE READING>>>>>>


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