Breaking News Politics

Everyone Should Ready For this War- Political impasse in Plateau over Supreme Court ruling- Caleb Muftwang

Speaker of the State House of Assembly, Gabriel Dewan and Plateau State governor, Caleb Muftwang

The ongoing political discord within the Plateau State House of Assembly vividly mirrors the intense power struggle between the All Progressives Congress (APC) and the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) for control over the political landscape in Plateau State. Traditionally, the PDP had been the dominant political force in the state from 1999 until 2015, when the APC assumed power. Despite the APC’s victory in the governorship race in 2015, the State Assembly remained predominantly occupied by PDP lawmakers.……CONTINUE READING>>>>>>

However, then-Governor Barr Simon Lalong skillfully navigated the political landscape, fostering a climate of reconciliation and collaboration. Over time, the APC secured firm control of the state assembly, aligning with their governance tenure. The 2023 general elections provided the people of Plateau State with an opportunity to reevaluate their political preferences. In a decisive turn, the electorate chose to return political authority to the PDP. The rejection of the ruling APC was unmistakable, with the PDP securing victories in two out of three senatorial zones, resulting in two senatorial seats. Additionally, the PDP clinched victory in six out of eight House of Representatives seats, leaving only three for the APC.

The pinnacle of the opposition’s success came in the March 11 governorship and house of assembly elections, where the PDP triumphed in nearly all 24 state constituencies, ultimately being declared the winner of the gubernatorial race. This electoral shift marked a significant recalibration of political power, reflecting the dynamic choices made by the Plateau State electorate. The aftermath of the 2023 general election dealt a severe blow to the APC in Plateau State, leaving the party with minimal victories, notably securing the Plateau Central senatorial seat through Senator Diket Plang. The election results were particularly unfavorable for the APC, with then Governor Lalong, who had played a key role in the Tinubu/Shettina Presidential Campaign Council (PCC), unable to deliver his local government for the APC. Lalong himself faced defeat in the senatorial election, losing to the PDP candidate.

In the face of these significant setbacks, the APC, now in the unfamiliar position of an opposition party, pursued legal avenues to challenge the election results. Despite an initial setback at the election petition tribunal, the APC persevered and found success at the Court of Appeal. The Appellate Court ruled that the PDP had violated an existing court order by fielding candidates in the 2023 elections. Consequently, the court ordered the withdrawal of the certificate of return previously issued to PDP lawmakers, directing it to be given to the APC lawmakers as the first runners-up in the election. This ruling resulted in the loss of seats for all 16 PDP state Assembly members and 8 National Assembly members.

While the governor had the option to appeal to the Supreme Court, the fate of the state and federal lawmakers was conclusively decided at the Court of Appeal, where APC candidates were reinstated to fill these vacated seats. This legal turn of events marked a pivotal moment in the post-election landscape, reshaping the political composition of Plateau State. The aftermath of the Court of Appeal judgment triggered a wave of reactions and diverse sentiments, reshaping the political dynamics within the Plateau State House of Assembly. The ruling led to the departure of all 16 PDP members, including the Speaker and other key officeholders, leaving a diminished assembly with only eight members — four from the APC, two from the Labour Party, and one from the Young Progressive Party. In the reconfigured assembly, Gabriel Dewan emerged as the new Speaker.

However, attempts by the APC members, who benefitted from the Court of Appeal decision, to assume their roles faced strategic obstacles orchestrated by Speaker Dewan. He cleverly suspended the House operations, citing the need for recess and renovation of the Assembly complex. This move effectively stalled the inauguration of the APC Court of Appeal beneficiaries. Upon the resumption of activities after a two-month recess, Dewan took a firm stance, instructing the 16 ousted PDP lawmakers to refrain from participating in plenary sessions until the court judgment was definitively interpreted. Speaking to reporters in Jos after a brief sitting with the eight recognised members at the Old Government House, Rayfield, Jos, Dewan stated, “The House is in receipt of judgments from two courts, one from the Court of Appeal and another one from the Supreme Court.” The situation sets the stage for a complex interplay of legal interpretations and political maneuvering within the Plateau State House of Assembly.

”You know I am a lawmaker; I can’t interpret the law. Therefore, I have to seek the full interpretations of these judgments before I know what to do. The only thing I know now is that there are 32 members of the House of Assembly claiming 16 constituency seats; that is the reason I have to seek the interpretations. So, for now, the Plateau State House of Assembly has only eight members whose seats are not in contest, and only the eight members are recognised by my leadership.

”The other 16 members will join us when the law is made clear. There is court process that has been served on us in regard to these 16 vacancies and as I am talking to you, there are 32 members claiming the 16 vacancies in the Assembly. As said earlier, we as lawmakers will allow the Judiciary to do the needful by interpreting the law and at the right time, we will know the rightful occupants of the 16 seats in the Assembly.”

In his remarks, leader of the 16 PDP lawmakers, Ishaku Maren from Bokkos constituency who spoke on behalf of others, said: “We are satisfied and convinced by the position of the speaker. As you are aware, we are law abiding citizens of this state and Nigeria, and are lawmakers, not law breakers. And as we can see, we coordinate ourselves, we are harmonious in our approach and cordial, and by that, we agreed absolutely with the position of the leadership of Plateau State House of Assembly and we will abide by it because it is a legal issue.”

In a twist of events, the 16 APC lawmakers were conspicuously absent from the plenary session. Sylvanus Namang, the State Publicity Secretary of the APC, disclosed that the decision for the APC lawmakers to stay away from the sitting was a precautionary measure to prevent any potential breach of peace. Despite the absence, the state leadership of the APC has been actively engaging with the Speaker of the House of Assembly, urging him to promptly swear in the 16 APC lawmakers. The ongoing negotiations and strategic decisions behind the scenes reflect the delicate balance of political dynamics and the quest for resolution within the Plateau State House of Assembly.

Making the call in Jos at the weekend, state publicity secretary Sylvanus Namang, who spoke to The Nation on phone, said, “APC is calling on the Speaker Plateau State House of Assembly to as a matter of urgency swear in the 15 elected house of assembly members without delay. As I speak there is no any court injunction that prevents the speaker from swearing in these elected members. The refusal of the speaker to swear in these law makers is a major source of worries to people of the constituencies who elected them as their representatives in the state legislature. Is the speaker saying those 16 constituencies will remain without representatives in the law making activities of the state, will those people remain without a voice in the state government.

“This is unhealthy for our democracy and rule of law” he said. Namang added, “So, the party is appealing to the Speaker to swear in these members. The idea of saying 32 members claiming 16 seats in the house of assembly is not the issue, the 16 PDP members are already lost out, and their cases are irredeemable. The only elected house of assembly members who have certificate of return are the 16 members elected on the platform of APC.”……CONTINUE READING>>>>>>

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