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Ethnicity Crisis: Nigeria will never Move Forward – Igbo police officer will be Looks as harsh on Igbo Youths, Fulani officers will be harsh on bandits – Sam Amadi

According to the report from the Sun, an associate professor of the law, Sam Amadi argues that the idea that the police force can simply change its character and professionalism through state-level reforms is not supported by evidence or logic..….CONTINUE READING>>>>>>

He argues that ethnic background is not the key issue here and that the real problem is that the security system was created to protect those in power rather than the general population. He argues that this is the lesson he teaches his students.

He said, “The notion that says the police in the state will simply change the character, its professionalism or lack of professionalism is not grounded by any evidence and it is not logical. I think that whereas this could help in the issue of administration, some people will argue that if you bring police officers who are Igbo, for example, there is still some kind of ethnicity and we are still ethnically-minded thinking that behavior, performances will defer ethnic identity like you are an Igbo police officer and will be harsh on Igbo youths and Fulani police officer will be harsh on the bandits. That is the narrative here but the real thing here is that the Nigerian security system was conceived as a regime protection. That is what I teach them.”….CONTINUE READING>>>>>>


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