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Economic Hardship:Nigerians Should Forget About Dollars Rate Now; Dollars Is Not Our Problem, We Are The Main Problems To Ourselves – Primate Ayodele

In a recent video on Facebook, Primate Ayodele, a renowned spiritual leader, emphasized the crucial role of consistent electricity supply in fostering economic development in the country. Dismissing the fixation on foreign currency, Ayodele asserted that Nigeria’s primary obstacles to progress lie within its own borders..…..CONTINUE READING>>>>>>

According to him, “When we have a constant light in Nigeria, there will be growth in our economy. Forget about dollars. Dollar is not our problem. We are the problems to ourselves.”

Ayodele’s assertion reveals a longstanding issue plaguing Nigeria: the chronic lack of reliable electricity. Despite being endowed with abundant natural resources and human capital, Nigeria grapples with persistent power outages and insufficient infrastructure, hampering economic productivity and hindering growth.

By highlighting the significance of addressing internal challenges, Ayodele draws attention to the need for concerted efforts to enhance Nigeria’s energy sector.…..CONTINUE READING>>>>>>


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