Breaking News Politics

Economic Hardship: I am not surprised. Buhari blamed Jonathan for eight years, and Tinubu is doing the same When will they Take full responsibility for their actions and policies – PDP chieftain

President Bola Tinubu’s administration has been accused of making moves to control people’s minds concerning the protest against hardship in the countryA PDP stalwart, Rilwan Olanrewaju, who spoke with POSTREPORTERS, faulted the claim from the APC that the PDP was responsible for the hardship in the countryAccording to Olanrewaju, former President Muhammadu Buhari blamed Jonathan’s government for eight years, and Tinubu’s administration has continued with the blaming game..….CONTINUE READING>>>>>>

President Bola Tinubu has been warned against blaming and accusing the opposition of sponsoring protests against hunger in the country.

Rilwan Olanrewaju, a Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) stalwart, issued the warning to the president in an exclusive interview with POSTREPORTERS.

PDP chieftain knocks Tinubu for blaming opposition over protest

Olanrewaju argued that blaming others for their failed policies was synonymous with the government of the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC), adding that for the eight years of former President Muhammadu Buhari, the opposition.

The PDP chieftain said:

It’s the usual APC way. I am not surprised. Buhari blamed Jonathan for eight years, and Tinubu is doing the same. It’s all about blame games and not ready to take full responsibility for their actions and policies.

The greatest mistake we made as Nigerians was voting for APC in 2015. The mistake is now very hard to correct, but I strongly believe that one day, we will flush APC out of the system.

A serious government that is in charge of security is bound to do everything to make life easy for the citizens. Sadly, this government is more of using propaganda to run every government ministry and agency while the common man is suffering.

They want Nigerians to endure while they are enjoying. It’s so sad, and I urge Nigerians never to allow the APC to control their minds. APC is a disaster and can never drive this country forward.”….CONTINUE READING>>>>>>


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