Breaking News Politics

Asiwaju Tinubu want us begging for food, Don’t Forget it’s turn-by-turn,He know the North contributes 70% of any Govt- Northern group

The Arewa New Agenda in a statement released by its President, Senator Ahmad Abubakar Moallayidi called on President Bola Tinubu to give the North its due treatment. He stated that this is because the North contributes about 70 percent of any government in the country because of its numerical strength. According to POST REPORTERS, the Senator made this known in a statement he made in Adamawa State on Thursday. He noted that the region has been faced with many challenges despite contributing most to the election…….CONTINUE READING>>>>>>

Senator Moallayidi stated that the goal of the Arewa New Agenda is to correct past mistakes that have cost the North. He argued that zoning of the Presidency is not democracy because it is just like shifting the mantle of leadership. Moallayidi stated that the North have to take their destiny into their own hands and stop begging for the Government’s help. He noted that Northerners will harness agricultural potentials, livestock, and other natural resources found deposited in all the states of the North and develop the region.

Hear him, “Everybody knows that here in northern Nigeria we have a lot of problems. So our focus, even before the election was that what is in it for northern Nigeria? Of course, when the APC was formed everybody endorsed General Muhammadu Buhari from the North. Now that the power is there, what is in it for the North?

You know that the bulk of what forms any government in Nigeria, 70 percent of it is from the North. Turn-by-turn doesn’t make sense! Turn-by-turn is not democracy, you know that; you’re just shifting the mantle of leadership, not that you’re doing democracy. The North has to take our own destiny into our own hands; we’ll not go begging. We’ll harness agricultural potentials, livestock, and other natural resources found deposited in all the states of the North.”….CONTINUE READING>>>>>>


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